Author of Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy
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Monday, February 28, 2011

Microfiction Monday

Dropping the communion wafer into the shoe, the fairy naively attempted to save its sole.


Ashling said...

My favorite! Irreverent, but truly a fantastically unique twist!!

Other Mary said...

That's excellent...I went for a similar wordplay.

anthonynorth said...

Ah, I love word play :-)

Granny Kate said...

Good twist on that -- quite tongue in cheek.

Anonymous said...

Haha--this is a funny take on the religious aspect of wafers and souls...loved it! Cheers~

izzy said...

Oooh That is a good take! thanks!

Susan Fobes said...

Ah, play on words I see... Nicely done!

Lynette Killam said...

Oh, very droll! This post made my day...:)


Debora said...

Very witty! I liked it!

Lorelei Bell said...

Great word play.