Author of Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween is almost here and...

Halloween is almost here and I'm loving the ready availability of vampire-themed stuff.  I've got a new Dracula candle, a wicked pair of coffin shape sunglasses, bat and vampire Pez dispensers, Vampire Blood hand sanitizer (Bath and Body Works) and some fun and funky fang jewelry adorning my desk to put me in the mood to write.  I plan to stock up before Halloween is gone, too! 

What about everyone else?  Do you adorn your desk with the theme of what you are writing to put you in the mood?



Annie Sisk said...

y'know, I haven't but now that you mention it, I could totally go for that - a witch's cauldron, a black candle ... hmm! thanks!

Rosanne Dingli said...

That is something I never do - my desk is the desk of a person who wears many hats: none of them a witch's one, though! I have lists and lists and lists, post it notes, bills and receipts, the various tools of my trade, and pencils. I am not big on halloween, but it's certainly catching on around Australia. The shops tell us to do it, you see.

Unknown said...

I don't have a desk:( My children took it over(cretins). It's just the lap-top and the chaise lounge for me until they go off to college(pleeese go to college). Maybe I should get vampire pj's or something. That could work.

Unknown said...

TC - no kidding, Walmart has a pair of pj bottoms in the men's section that has vampire stuff all over :)